Monday 12 March 2012

Homework, 9.03.12

Baudrillard said that ‘the media can now create such idealistic representations of reality that out perform actual reality’ and in 15 million merits this is the case. Bing, the main character in this series is living in a simulated world, where to us, the audience it seems futuristic and modern and an idyllic place to live in, but judging the characters attitude towards it, it seems like they are trapped in this simulated world and the only way they can get out is if they work for it. Another example of this form of simulated world is the X-Factor, where normal people are put into a simulated world of fame and fortune, when actually they are only there for entertainment purposes, this links into the scene of the talent competition in 'Black Mirror' as she gets harshly judged and rejected.  As well as Simulacra, ‘The Black Mirror is full of Hypereality, and this is apparent from the first scene when he wakes up and we see the type of world he is living in, something that us as an audience haven’t experienced yet and the rooms are higher compared to our reality. 

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